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ABSTRACT: We developed a gesture based human computer interaction interface. Wireless sensor node is used to capture human body acceleration data. To segment received acceleration data stream, we developed an algorithm based on sliding window and standard deviation. To recognize gesture, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) which is a machine learning algorithm is used. Series prototype applications are built to demonstrate possible gesture based applications in future. We conducted several experiments as well. Finally, we got highest 96% accuracy and lowest 17% accuracy.

KEYWORDS: body sensor network, wireless sensor network, data stream processing, hidden markov model, machine learning, gesture recognition, human-computer interface












陶哥的关照下,今天有幸和他一起来到Sun Microsystem维多利亚州分部做了一个关于Sun SPOT的演讲。澳大利亚这边的Sun工作人员并不是十分了解SPOT技术,而他们又渴望知道。所以就邀请了我和陶峙崎一起做了一个简单的汇报。


今天的演讲一切顺利!我们准备了很多很多演示程序。稍有点可惜的是今天演讲时间大大超出预期,最有技术含量的项目没有得到很好的展示。不过,我今天很高兴,很高兴 🙂 还有一点失误的是,没照相。只好把今天的幻灯片共享出来供大家解馋了~~~~


( 虽然我是非IE浏览器的忠实拥护者,但是不幸的告诉你,如果你看不到以上的幻灯片,请你用IE 😛 )

My name is mentioned in SDN Program News
Zhiqi Tao of the University of Melbourne, Australia, presented Sun SPOT technology to an audience of Sun Microsystems sales and marketing employees in Melbourne. Research student Peng Deng, who has been using Sun SPOT for his research project, helped with the presentation.
Please check the link below for more information: